Registration | Captain's Cup 2019
GARIK08 | Date: Thursday, 17.10.2019, 20:26 | Message # 1 |
Team: LSR One Love
Posts: 192
| Perhaps your team will have to play 5 matches non-stop, for example, as the SGA in 2015. [In paragraph 5 of the application, indicate - we will play all our matches]. Also, if your time is very different from the start time of matches, your team must come and play a match. Or your team players don't play in our tournaments a very long time. Your team must go to the server 10 minutes before the start of your match, we will not wait for your player. Non-stop matches. All players in your team must use nickname from the application. This is necessary to calculate the final statistics of the tournament.
Players application:
Each player must provide the serial numbers that will be used during the game. If a playerindicates someone else's serial number, the referee ban him. No disputes during the matches! Correctly indicate the serial number in the application.
1. Tag and decrypt 2. The captain of the team (the player who will choose maps) 2.1. Reserve captain (the player who will choose the maps if the captain is missing) 3. Contacts of your leaders 4. The team's lineup for the tournament (Minimum 5, Maximum 30) Nickname | Serial ID 5. ? 6. The main color of the team, a reserve team color (it will be used in the case of two similar colors of the teams) (RGB)
All maps 30 cp... good joke
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morpp | Date: Sunday, 20.10.2019, 15:37 | Message # 2 |
Posts: 17
| 1. FC| Full Control 2. morpp 2.1 Gandras 3. morpp#0994 Gandras#4241 4. morpp - 3F137726734460A6BB5344F608CA0B42 Gandras - 844C0141630B96944ED2B63E072A19D3 Henrk - 83370809E044B7F216FCDB6C09B8CAF4 bertholdt - 10D12E6292E71142A6B36F4C821563E2 Tann - 36860DC958626B2BDC10F29F2F341291 D4vy - E4A22C5A89680E10B2C7104E324DCB54 deividz - A476E7C4CF642C5D04A03D8670A768B3 Caution! - D7303D0AFE604F939213F5C69EAE7FF4 Marcel - DD09815D1FA1D09798006AB22DBA0C43 Matt - 69D0F6F8213CC4231E77B1360A2D8FB3 Bboy - BB596EC5BC881DDC956B072EE070B6F3 5.we will play all our matches 6. (114, 255, 0) , (0, 255, 255) | #72FF00 Accepted
Message edited morpp - Sunday, 20.10.2019, 15:37 |
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FaoN | Date: Sunday, 20.10.2019, 20:55 | Message # 3 |
Posts: 4
| 1. Tag and decrypt 2. The captain of the team (the player who will choose maps) 2.1. Reserve captain (the player who will choose the maps if the captain is missing) 3. Contacts of your leaders 4. The team's lineup for the tournament (Minimum 5, Maximum 30) Nickname | Serial ID 5. ? 6. The main color of the team, a reserve team color (it will be used in the case of two similar colors of the teams) (RGB)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. [HE]High Efficiency 2. FaoN 2.1. Vyoin 3. FaoN#5072 russian_truckdriver_cykakvyat#1816 4. Cyrex - A35B1F0BE3C1699066ED74B07CE2BFF4 FaoN - 3AE13A459D687B83EAFA711CCFB4A8B3 Semert - DB47C1F097FFE8999B1BB3DADE2CBE52 Vyoin - 83714CF1AFF7596D0D6C9CF18A389944 Meatgrinder - ill add it soon 22 - AC907781E07E0738B0ABD8DADB92ABB4 Truth - 54F72DD07FF7BADE3DB49379A533C402 5. ? 6. (255,255,255) (102,178,255)
Team Closed
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THIRTYTWO_ | Date: Wednesday, 23.10.2019, 16:32 | Message # 4 |
Posts: 13
| 1. [NKC], National King's Crew 2. Bentley 2.1. Screamdead | Geographer 3. EnyNight[RUS]#8683, screamdead#5771, MaK#8754 4. 1)THIRTYTWO | Serial: 93DABF73BA8229CDF7B87DB12A0EAB94 2)FL! | Serial: F8F9A99DB09C41CBDBE10068470B3BB2 3)Screamdead | Serial: 42F7662D08CCD04D38D81ABDB4722EB3 4)Breezy | Serial: 5BCE41731B10518FA337F7A639F94193) 5)Demetrius | Serial: EC48E118C40B2A06F1FB0C9C54DF8A43 6)RaiderZ | Serial: 3499DF26706C8962330BFF1648CFD443) 7)Vilgefortz | Serial: 9B7A06EEDB6286598EEFFD9F80531C52) 8)Geographer | Serial:F4131108596148367C25EBDAAE269224 9)PepsiPower | Serial:40871494C232D7D606A9D57D6B0F2024 10)Bentley | D5C3220EF8E4F3350850B507D9F2A3F2 11)POLJASTA | Later 12)Keddiak | F38DA2B2B31F5067C9E155E25FFD04A2 13)Benestix* 14)badtrip* 15)Ken* 16)pseudotimestretch* 16)Wenom | D1845C86911EDC44278A9FB9B3BE8A54 16)22 | 16)Dosin | 6AA8EEF748B50571895A89B7F2761291 5. yes, we will play all matches. 6. Main: (0, 69, 135), Reserve (0, 255, 255) | #004587
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hugochueiri | Date: Monday, 28.10.2019, 14:07 | Message # 5 |
Team: Sofa King Cool
Posts: 1
| 1. Tag and decrypt [SKC]- SofaKingCool.
2. The captain of the team (the player who will choose maps) - Aygor / Frank.
2.1. Reserve captain (the player who will choose the maps if the captaini s missing) - Sykes / Confused.
3. Contacts of your leaders - AyyGor#1841 // Sykes™#4210 // Frankie#0641 // Confused#3070 .
4. The team's lineup for the tournament (Minimum 5, Maximum 30) Nickname | Serial ID :
[SKC]Frank - 6636B9726C5E9235750B26739BC82553 [SKC]Aygor - C1AA9B76813081FAB25F031D5DEB5D52 [SKC]Sykes - 17D1A022BD888C4D4AFD8F65DD1956F3 [SKC]Astur - 9273354EB9E9864D6308B640E6F2F2C4 [SKC]DockiNoke - 3E4FF4B4171F61BF6A7E259D7F24FFF4 [SKC]Rogalik - FC239C8D36A1ECD897794F0B2E2D6643 [SKC]XyZ - 7B1AE628F18D98161742DE9B99E99902 [SKC]Confused - 115F24071A36239D55504F14C036FFE3 [SKC]Hawaken - 9197E37BD18C6CFAB8B2A960B5921224 [SKC]Holibus - 3DB0A43F778FB55596E2B59AF8DE17A3 [SKC]Jelen - A0E15C81E8A5349D59CBB425615D9452 [SKC]Wilu - DDD2AF2478B2D0E8375F19D191735742 [SKC]Z3ITM4NN - [SKC]ViRuS - 9F73D564559CA9E49C4084D9C1BB4BF4 [SKC]UnknowN - E5CAB382AD4F7C27D08A8FFFD38242E3 [SKC]LosFaul - [SKC]KaaNZ - F9966AAB725EB4D247D1D2F146EE8384 [SKC]Kenblock - F732B65DD8B734A780293BB580F74C43 [SKC]botder - [SKC]BlackMad - [SKC]A6AL - 697C85F86F93FC4D05883F91451877A2 [SKC]Nano - C4B507EEA8BCA1C13B35F863FB806E62 [SKC]Sheriff - E4A22C5A89680E10B2C7104E324DCB54 * Serials and maybe some new player i'll add latter.
5. We will play all our matches
6. The main color of the team, a reserve team color (it will be used in the case of two similar colors of the teams) (RGB) - MAIN - 255,128,0 . Reserve - 255, 255, 255.
Message edited hugochueiri - Tuesday, 29.10.2019, 12:05 |
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graywont12345 | Date: Tuesday, 29.10.2019, 20:02 | Message # 6 |
Posts: 1
| 1. [eR]- Eagle Racers
2. SzUb4
2.1. Kutzwell
3. szuba#8399 - graywont#1562
SzUb4 - 96F6CC89D62872571D0BCEE6C7EBB1E4
Kutzwell - 783FAA4593A5151F206B93604990D084
Gronzu - 002323874A107B342CF9A66EF9CFD1E4
Koniu - A356C0DACA69103C9C8D70640DB02BE4
Flex - FB72184CBBE6D8F8B4174E7A53E33684
Dremko - 9E763A33BCE683AEBFD2548E4DAD5912
5. We will play our matches
6. First (Main) - 207, 207, 207 - Second - 229, 57, 53 | #CFCFCF Accepted
Message edited graywont12345 - Tuesday, 29.10.2019, 20:38 |
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GARIK08 | Date: Wednesday, 30.10.2019, 08:12 | Message # 7 |
Team: LSR One Love
Posts: 192
| 1. ARC | Another Race Clan 2. Bruno_Wilson | GARIK08 2.1. Bruno_Wilson | GARIK08 3. Bruno Wilson#5623 | GARIK08#9262 4. Bruno Wilson | F0E012A2B81F8BDABBE1B629416EA093 GARIK08 | 77B5139096B88B4BB301817734D70C13 Blank | CB67E8E901389057AE1ECA27A339B252 Gametaff | 30732D77786EA323B0E471D7DB6E86A1 Kito | AFE7BE82E70C0FBD09A647A05098DD02 Magik | CF9122724E97BFF61761AF798793B783 SpeedyGonschik | B81654D7B14ED9734171582BC68B6DA2 TeRRoN | Grelek | Ryuzaki | 5. we will play all our matches 6. 255 165 0 , 228 228 228 | #FFA500
All maps 30 cp... good joke
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a9xa | Date: Saturday, 02.11.2019, 19:01 | Message # 8 |
Posts: 1
| 1. [MGR]- Mr.Green Racers 2. Haxardous 2. Mateoryt 3. Discord: Haxardous#7286 / Mateoryt#4769 / can be found here: 4. Haxardous | 667F3B206448A629306B314C4B4CBFB4 Mateoryt | 11E34F44720FE5E959A704C42E6D0CA4 suckaar | 651E4DBE250EE5BE16277855A9758324 HardGay | C3B2833D47E9B916C42D9EAE1B6CBD02 Koolaid | 9E82B8B25077D97A28BC2B08846ADAB2 gromghost777 | 84BB1386C71E999E5872CFA249C72752 Roca | E91C6DAD88216441F242D3B3B26FFB93
5. We will play all our matches 6. HEX: #00a86b | RGB: 0, 168, 107
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Aveng3r | Date: Wednesday, 06.11.2019, 19:39 | Message # 9 |
Posts: 3
| 1. net// not even trying 2. ave 2.1 burn 3. BurN#1513, ave#6808 4. ave - 07F8B444E9BAE1770F75F22630716D03 mclaren - 921431451293DDE47CA86D383E1FDD13 apfel - 2CCD18BF6C17A809218732BD78FAECE4 miko - 8EAD8C99A7FD51306ECC947EA42676B2 burn - 7B16366C3B497769568E86C38579DB94 sin - ED098DEBC9DFC7569FF5ABCD76D18E020 xens - CAD789F9E8B10AAC3B53EA733FE443F3 startseva - D249536EDFD7529813AEB8E126581884 5. we will play all our matches 6. main - 119, 136, 153, reserve - 255, 255, 0 | #778899 Accepted
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tayk3x | Date: Sunday, 10.11.2019, 10:42 | Message # 10 |
Posts: 4
| 1. |CrF| Crazy Racers Family 2. GilGameS 2.1. tayk3x 3. GilGameS#0668, GDous#4443 4. 1) supr4 - 698D83B8ABD61E8E64FAB1A578F71093 2) Alan - 230122DC893045964D79687D5AF7C344 3) Jackson - FEFABCF4BEE15E08F7598A73FB6C87F3 4) GilGameS - 2A11F193A1DB21C925F643DEBD2A8944 5) tayk3x - D562082995F808858382BBA3C5E6D5A2 6) FLaMeS - 88392F36C8E4B7D3BD1E17BBE9C33693 7) Ferrari - C566896326430AE234D488FC231C6602 8) LhaDj45 - AA1C1DCC6D0B9402C88E35B53D1AA042 9) Kalra_saab - B4854DC3D1850B3367A37F050F2DC6A1 10) Martis - A8454151E81945A545BF8A35ED8BED53 11) Majdan C9529EDA014526B110037828D3FF5AE2 12) Akaan - AA12DA9CEEFD3F230C4B204160AE6292
5. we will play all our matches
6. main 255, 204, 0, reserve 255, 98, 0
Message edited tayk3x - Sunday, 10.11.2019, 10:43 |
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THIRTYTWO_ | Date: Sunday, 10.11.2019, 18:08 | Message # 11 |
Posts: 13
| Registration closed
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