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    Main » 2019 » December » 02

    1. Hello, AyyGor, MTA-Community knows you under this nick, but what 's your name in realife?
    -My name is Igor Jastrzębski. So as you see i got my nickname from my real name, but first it was AjgorBosu(bosu is reference to boss) some friends called me like that yet back in elementary school. then i changed it to Ajgor but eventually i thought AyyGor looks better.


    2. Tell us about your city. What good places are there in this city?
    -I live in small town Wschowa. Nowadays it’s kinda boring place, although we are about to reopen our train station after a pretty few years so maybe with new earning city will grow, we will see. But  it has a good history, before all the world wars it was even one of the biggest cities in Poland , the king had his castle here(which is still functioning as hotel or place for celebration’s e.g. weddings) but then wars came and good times ended.


    3. Tell us how long have you been playing GTA: SA multipliers, first servers and game modes?
    Well my MTA history has a lot of breaks in playing and i dont remember them all so keep it in mind. First time i tried mta was in 2009, i was 8 years old back then. my sister’s boyfriend downloaded it for me and first server i joined was some polish rpg i think, i dont remember the name. Then there was a lot of servers but the oldest i remember was Team_NeO server. It was a fun server, there were DM maps, DD maps, Race maps, and some other fun maps as well. I liked DM the most, played it on some other server’s as well(i dont remember the names tho, except |X5| i think i might have played on ffs too but im not sure). Meanwhile Team_NeO was closed, i played on some polish dm server but with time i got interested in race. I decided to search for some racing server. Thats how i first discovered SKC server, i dont remember the year maybe 2014 but i didnt play there for long because i had another break from MTA. in 2016 i came back again, immediately went on SKC Race server after installing MTA and here i am.


    4. You are now a SKC team player. What teams have you been on before, and why have you left them?
    -My first clan was CoDEx. i met their member’s on SKC. We had a lot of fun but one day one of Co-Leaders decided to close it.
     Then i joined 2RT. And i spent a lot of time playing with Magik. There was always fun and laugh, he taught me a lot too so i can say he is like a mentor to me. but members went inactive, or played on other servers, we played together less and less, so i decided to leave.
     Then i tried to join SKC but it didnt go well. I also started to be more active in whole race community and i was getting along with SiK members the most so i decided to join them (although i was considering AFE too, sorry Ryu). Vilge taught me some hydra moves although he might not know it because im just good at watching and he was nolifing Pro Pilot. I had fun voice chats with Pugl, Westwood and Shelby as well.
     But they went inactive. And after one of national cups i started to play more with Viper, Waldek, Majdan, Supra and Blade. they opened BOR, Vilge left SiK to BOR and i got invited as well. Took me a while to decide but i finished last CW for SiK that was already planned when i decided and joined BOR. But i lost motivation to play, my controller was broken, couldnt play as good on keyboard. So i played less and less especially on CWs and i got kicked.
     After some time motivation to play came back, and this time my try to join SKC was successful.


    5. For old players, SKC is associated with SyS, Puuks, MrBrown, Whiskey, Malaki and an excellent tournament by Dockinoke "Summer Cup 2012." What do you know about these guys?)
    -Well let me start with Puuksy. One of the best players of all time, sadly he is less and less active. he plays on SKC Race from time to time on our daily MW event at 20CET. SyS i met this year, he isnt that active in MTA but he checks our forum, Whiskey i met earlier than SyS but he isnt active in game as well. MrBrown joined SKC discord recently but i dont know much about him or Malaki. When it comes to Summer Cup 2012 well i wasn’t interested in race scene back then so i might have seen some videos on yt but thats all i know. Maybe Docki will organize something next summer who knows :D


    6. Why did you join the SKC team, what 's special about these guys for you?
    Well, the atmosphere here is just fantastic, we are like famil ... Read more »

    Category: Other | Views: 428 | Added by: GARIK08 | Date: 02.12.2019 | Comments (0)


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